Some boy passed out in the boys bathroom after drinking alcohol during the school day. (What great ambiance our bathrooms provide). If he was with friends, they took off to get out of trouble, but another kid walks in, sees the drunk on the floor and alerts the assistant principal, who calls the nurse. The social worker is notified as well, and must have gotten there quickly.
The nurse can’t get the kid to wake up by trying to rouse the boy, so the social worker calls 911. But the nurse decides to give the kid a sternum rub, which is pretty common to do in these cases. The kid does wake up, the ambulance arrives, and the kid ends up in the emergency room. The kid is fine, and back in school, no doubt a changed man.
Here’s the great part: the social worker calls the social worker in another school to tell her what had happened who told someone else, who told someone else, who told someone else. Later on, the nurse at the other school calls our nurse to tell her, “I heard that you gave a kid a scrotum rub!”